Exercise is 'Mitochondrial Medicine'. And Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu is Great Exercise.

An article published in the March issue of the medical journal Antioxidants documents the importance of mitochondrial activity in human health and longevity, and the key role played by physical exercise in maintaining healthy mitochondrial function.

The authors recommend promotion of exercise for prevention and treatment of certain disease processes, as well as continued study of athletic performance.

It’s not specifically referenced in the article, but Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu, as taught in the Moy Tung lineage, is a unique training system that develops whole body-mind health & fitness, while also developing practical self-defense skills.

Scroll down for info from the article, and what Ving Tsun Kung Fu has to offer in terms of exercise.

From the Antioxidants article abstract:

The normalization of a lack of physical activity in our modern society has led to the perception that exercise is an “intervention”. However, physical activity remains the modus vivendi engrained in our genes and being sedentary has been the real intervention and collateral effect of modern societies. It is well known that a lack of physical activity leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and, hence, it probably becomes a major etiological factor of many non–communicable diseases affecting modern societies. Since physical activity remains the only stimulus we know that can improve and maintain mitochondrial function, a significant emphasis on exercise promotion should be imperative in order to prevent multiple diseases. mdpi.com/2076-3921/12/4/782

The article has a table of contents, and 327 references. This is a link to the section addressing the evidence of the role physical exercise plays in mitochondrial health: 7. Exercise, the Only Known “Medicine” for Maintaining and Improving Mitochondrial Function.

Moy Tung clan Ving Tsun Kung Fu efficiently and effectively improves physical fitness in all domains

  • Cardiovascular endurance, with aerobic exercise + deep breathing;

  • Muscle strength & endurance

  • Power & plyometric short-burst energy, plus movement speed

  • Reaction time; balance; limb independence with muscle coordination & accurate control.

  • Muscle flexibility, plus whole body-mind relaxation

  • Bone density/strength, joint flexibility, and overall body mass.

To find out how Ving Tsun Kung Fu can help you develop your fitness and skill to your maximum potential, book an intro at Kung Fu Fxbg, or any Moy Tung Kung Fu branch.

Below is a Kung Fu Fxbg student testimonial on benefits of Ving Tsun training experienced at Kung Fu Fxbg soon after starting, and over the course of a year.


Ving Tsun (wing chun) Basic Training at New Kung Fu Fxbg Location


March 14: Kung Fu Fxbg at UMW Health and Wellness Fair