Siu Nim Tao form played in a group

Group Siu Nim Tao form at Kung Fu Fxbg in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Playing the form together in a group is an opportunity to see and experience how others play their form.

A 'form' could be defined as a set of techniques and movements in sequence, that can be 'played' by a human being or humanoid robot. However, Siu Nim Tao (Little Beginning Idea) is more than that, and the Ving Tsun system was created for humans, not robots.

The Siu Nim Tao form is the foundation of Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu, as taught in the Moy Tung lineage. It teaches, trains and develops the essential principles of the Ving Tsun system.

As Grandmaster Moy Yat said, "The purpose of Ving Tsun Kung Fu is to lead you to be free and relaxed. This can never be achieved if you are tied physically or emotionally to techniques." - from the Foreword to the Kuen Kuit


Kung Fu at Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg, Va


Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu is direct, and it's not flashy - Erik Larson & Mike Donato