MY3 Branch Kung Fu Fxbg: 3 Year Anniversary Workshop, Jan 13-15
Kung Fu Fxbg, an MY3 Branch school in the Moy Tung clan, will celebrate its third anniversary January 13-15, 2023. We train and teach the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu system, for health & self-defense.
There will be three days of Ving Tsun training, information, and Kung Fu life, with special guest and founder of the Richmond Moy Yat Kung Fu Academy Grandmaster Moy Tung, and MY3 Sifus and instructors in his lineage.
All active Moy Tung Kung Fu family are invited. There are in-person and virtual options, with reduced rates for out-of-town visitors. Register here, and scroll down for more info.
Kung Fu Fxbg 2022 Anniversary
SCHEDULE (24+ Hours of Ving Tsun training & Kung Fu life in one weekend)
Fri: 6-930p. 10p dinner.
Sat: 10a-1p, lunch, 2-5p. 630p dinner.
Sun: 10a-1p, lunch, 2-5p. 630p dinner.
Visitors or Virtual: $100
Local: $180