Cross Arm Lop Dar-Tan Dar Drill in Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu

These students are working on a Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu cross-arm drill. They begin Jong Sao to Jong Sao; one does Lop Dar; the other counters immediately with Tan Dar.

Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu develops the ability to attack and defend simultaneously; "The hand that hits also blocks." In this video, these students begin the exercise Jong Sao-to-Jong Sao, and take turns initiating Lop Dar technique, or counter with Tan Dar. They then reset and begin again, trading roles.

In addition to horse stance and centerline control, this exercise develops relaxation, sensitivity and timing, so that when a Lop Dar is done, the Ving Tsun practitioner is able to immediately respond with Tan Dar. Ving Tsun gives students many options; Tan Dar is a counter is just one, but an important one to practice.

Practicing this way simultaneously challenges and educates the person playing the Lop Dar on how to get and maintain control with the Fook Sao, but not in a way that the technique could be used against them. They need to be able to counter the counter-attack.


Summit Siu Nim Tao - Old Rag


The beginning and end of the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu System: Siu Nim Tao